Bianca Pokédex skin and Hoenn Pokémon dolls available via Korean Global Link

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Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, and Deoxys dolls available
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  • Friday, March 8, 2013

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Bianca Pokédex skin
Hoenn legendary Pokémon dolls

Two promotions have been announced on the Korean Pokémon Global Link.

The Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, and Deoxys Pokémon dolls are available with the use of the password 「해저 대륙 천공 DNA」 underwater earth sky DNA.

The Bianca Pokédex skin that was available on the Japanese Global Link last year is available on the Korean Global Link to players after answering a question about Bianca. The question is:

「벨이 라이브캐스터로 주인공에게 전하는 대사, "그저 그렇다면 내일이 000질 거야!" 안의 000는 무엇일까?」
"When you call Bianca via the Xtransceiver, she says 'If just so-so, tomorrow will be (blank)'. What goes in the (blank)?"

The correct answer is 「즐거워」 enjoyable.

Both of these promotions are available from 3:00 pm March 7, 2013 to 3:00 pm April 30, 2013.

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