Pokémon News IRC Bot online
Taken from it's PocketNews page:
PocketNews is always looking for ways to make the news easier and easier to get! And with our new IRC Channel, we are proud to announce an RSS bot!
The RSS bot prowls the biggest Pokemon sites [that have RSS feeds] and when something new is posted on those sites, the RSS bot grabs it within 10 minutes* and posts it to the channel!
Currently, the RSS bot sits in the following channels, keeping an eye on the news:
- PocketNews @ irc.dejatoons.net
- PocketMonsters @ irc.dejatoons.net
- BulbaGarden @ irc.your-irc.net
The RSS bot currently prowls the following sites looking for news: PocketNews (http://www.pocket-news.net) BulbaNews (http://www.bulbanews.bulbagarden.net) Pokemon Palace Network (http://www.pokemonpalace.net) PokemonUK (http://www.pkmn.co.uk) LegendaryPokemon.net (http://www.legendarypokemon.net)
Interested in using the RSS bot for your channel, or have it prowl your site? Then feel free to MSG JKaizer (Dejatoons is the best network) or e-mail me. Just leave a link to the RSS page or your channel name, and I'll get the bot there ASAP. =)
- The RSS bot runs on my home connection. I do restart my computer at times, and my connection does die on occasion. I'll do my best to keep it running 24/7