"The Island of Pokémon" event announced for France
Organized by Pokémon fans, an event is organized on Puteaux island (in Puteaux, next to Paris-La Défense, France) on September 10, 2016.
The island itself will be turned into a big Pokémon village, featuring activities based on the Pokémon TCG and video games, a stage on which will be held a trivia, karaoke, cosplay contest, famous artists (names to be announced at a later date), a Pokémon GO hunt with multiple PokéStops and gyms.
The event, organized with the Puteaux city's support by Prime Productions, POP&GAME, the Neokan Gaming association and the online Pokémon communities (Pokémon France, Pokémon Trash, Pokégraph, Pokémon Espace and Eternia), will be free for all visitors. Authorities will deploy safety measures to ensure the visitors' security. Minors can come to the event with an adult. Parking should be possible on the island. The tramway line 2 stop "Puteaux" and subway station "Esplanade de la Défense" are the nearest to the island.
Event's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/539016362976175/