Track lists for new CDs announced

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New OP and ED titles revealed
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  • Saturday, July 2, 2005

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Media Factory has announced the track list for an opening and ending theme maxi single to be released July 16 in Japan. A track list for the eighth movie soundtrack was also revealed. The revelation comes just as Satoshi gets set to enter the Battle Frontier in the Pokémon anime.

Previously called ポケットモンスターAG 新オープニング&新エンディングテーマ (Pocket Monsters AG New Opening & New Ending Theme), the OP/ED CD title now includes the names of the new opening and ending themes.

「バトルフロンティア」 (Battle Frontier) is the new opening theme, sung by 高屋亜希那. The full version as included on the CD has a running time of three minutes and thirty-three seconds. The new ending theme, 「ポケモンかぞえうた」(Pokémon Counting Song), is sung by 金沢明子 Akiko Kanazawa, and has a full running time of three minutes and thirty-one seconds.

Three more songs are included on the OP and ED maxi CD. These are the karaoke versions of "Battle Frontier" and "Pokémon Counting Song" and what is assumed to be a new, longer version of the previous opening theme, "Pokémon Symphonic Medley." This new version is titled 「ポケモンシンフォニックオーケストラ~ミュージカルメドレー・バージョン~:アドバンス・アドベンチャー~チャレンジャー!!~スマイル~そこに空があるから~ポルカ・オ・ドルカ」 (Pokémon Symphonic Orchestra ~Musical Medley Version~: Advance Adventure ~ Challenger!! ~ Smile ~ Because the Sky is There ~ Polka o Dolka) and has a running time of five minutes and nineteen seconds.

The second CD, set for release on August 3, 「劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウと波導の勇者ルカリオ」, (Theatrical Version Pocket Monsters Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero Lucario), is the soundtrack to the upcoming eighth movie. It features thirty tracks of vocal and instrumental music.

The track list for "Theatrical Version Pocket Monsters Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero Lucario" is as follows:

1. ポケモンかぞえうた(映画バージョン)(金沢明子)
2. 城、平安~迫り来る危機
3. アーロン1
4. はじまりの樹
5. 劇場タイトルテーマ2005
6. オルドラン城
7. ファンファーレ
8. バトルフロンティア(映画バージョン)(高屋亜希那)
9. 贈呈式
10. 舞踏会
11. キッド(サスペンス)
12. 屋根裏の遊園地
13. マニューラ隊見参!!
14. パーティー
15. ミュウ~はじまりの樹2
16. キッド(正体)
17. GO!はじまりの樹へ
18. ふれあい
19. 友情~はじまりの樹へ2
20. レジロック
21. 地底世界
22. 応戦だ!!
23. ピカチュウと再会へ
24. はじまりの樹3~共鳴
25. 崩壊
26. アーロン2
27. 命かけて
28. 別れ~ルカリオ
29. アーロンのテーマ~さらばルカリオ
30. はじまりのうた(PUFFY)

Battle Frontier & Pokémon Counting Song is priced at ¥1,365 and has a catalog number of ZMCP-2302. Theatrical Version Pocket Monsters Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero Lucario is priced at ¥2,520 and has a catalog number of ZMCP-2303. Both are available for preorder on various Japanese retail websites.

External links

Akiko Kanazawa official page