Six promo cards added to XY-P repertoire
Six new promotional cards were previewed on the official site. These cards are three new reprints of Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie available in a promotional pack releasing April 19, a Darkrai available upon purchasing a ticket to the seventeenth movie, and two new 'Pitch's Pikachu' promotional cards available to elemntary school-aged children who attend a J-League soccer game in late April or early May.
Within the Lizardon Mega Battle Pack, along with one of the three promotional cards, will be two packs each of Collection X, Collection Y, and Wild Blaze, and a double sided poster featuring the Mega Lizardon Battle artwork on the front and the cards of Wild Blaze on the back. The three card were originally released in English in the Chespin Box, Fennekin Box, and the Froakie Box.