Couple discovers Masuda method after child born Shiny

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  • Tuesday, April 1, 2014
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Maxite

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A Canadian couple received the surprise of their life after their child was born alternately colored, or "shiny" as it is known in the community. Jacques Tremblay, 27, of Quebec and his partner Heather Donahue, 24, of Nova Scotia are now members of thousands of families across the globe who have shiny children.

"Before they changed the mechanics in Generation VI, it used to be much more difficult to achieve the Masuda Method in humans. The two parents had to be from two completely different regions. Now, they just need to speak different languages." Prof. Vladimir Poehnert of the University of Edmonton explained. He has been doing genetic research on shininess in humans for thirty-years. "I predict that we'll see many more cases of this to come in the near future. My colleagues in America are noticing more incidences of this phenomena in the southern United States."

Tests performed on the Tremblay's daughter confirmed that she is their offspring. "My goodness, we were so surprised when we first saw her." her pediatrician commented. "But when we looked, her shiny value matched that of her father! We still don't know how it got there."

Expecting parents who are curious on if their children may be shiny are encouraged to speak to their doctors, though testing is still in its infancy. A quick monitor known as "InfaCheck" was recalled earlier this year due to safety concerns.