Mega Kangaskhan-EX revealed in Wild Blaze commercial
The official card database updated with the commercial for the upcoming Japanese expansion, Wild Blaze. This 15 second TV Spot focuses most of its time on Charizard, but provides a quick glance at a few upcoming cards of the expansion: Pyroar, Helioptile, Meowstic, and Binacle. Additionally, in a battle simulator provided on-site, a tiny preview of Kangaskhan-EX was included. The expansion will be released on March 15.
This new Pyroar is seen with an Ability, meaning that the one revealed in April's issue of CoroCoro Ichiban! was actually from the accompanying M-Charizard-EX Mega Battle Deck.
The commercial can be watched here. The current video is too small, meaning that the card text for the new cards remains unknown until the Pokémon Company adds the commercial in HD to their YouTube channel. That being said, screencaps of the commercial are provided below.
- Images courtesy of the ever-wonderful CollectorViper.