Battle City Pokémon Art Show on Kickstarter

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PkmnCast Milwaukee art show seeking backers
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  • Friday, March 29, 2013

This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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Last year, Steve Black Jr. of PkmnCast successfully hosted "649 Monsters" - an art show in Milwaukee featuring Pokémon inspired artwork from over 80 artists from across the world. Black now wants to host another show on August 2nd-3rd this year.

A promotional image for the Kickstarter, featuring some examples of artwork

Battle City is the name of this second show, based around the theme of Pokémon in battle. This next show will feature the talents of over 100 artists, including the well known Purple Kecleon, Kari Fry and Phil Gibson. The event is also still seeking art donations.

Donations made to the Kickstarter will go towards the hiring of the space, the printing and framing of artwork, the cost of refreshments and printing costs of both this year's and last year's art books.

At the time of writing, the Kickstarter has reached just over $5000, with more Stretch Goals being reached with more donations, including a second Battle City event in the Winter if $20,000 is reached. 32 days remain.

Donations can be made at the Kickstarter page.