Singing Pikachu distribution announced

From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
"Can You Name All the Pokémon" promotion begins on July 30
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  • Sunday, July 17, 2011

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A new event Pokémon will be released as part of the "Can You Name All the Pokémon? BW" promotion.

It was announced on Friday that this Pokémon would be a female Pikachu at level 30 with moves Teeter Dance, Encore, Electro Ball, and, notably, Sing. This Pokémon's moveset ties in with Japanese weekly television show Pokémon Smash!. Like many previous event Pikachu and their respective movesets, the species can not normally learn Sing.

Pikachu also has the Hidden Ability Lightningrod, which (given its gender) may be bred on to other Pokémon in the Pikachu evolutionary line. This is the first time an event Pokémon is able to pass on such an ability.

The event will begin on July 30, 2011, and end on August 28. So far, it is only available in Japan at "A-Nation For Life" and "Can You Name Every BW Pokémon?" event locations.
