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Pokémon Café Global Link promotions currently on-going
From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Revision as of 09:22, 26 May 2011 by Tc26(talk | contribs)(If I just edited the already-existing article, I would have had to change everything anyway.)
The Pokémon Café promotions, which began May 25, 2011, are currently available on the Japanese-language Pokémon Global Link, and these will be available until Aug. 30. The promotions include the Pokémon Café Catalogue, which contains a total of seven new Décor, and the Pokémon Café C-Gear skin, which can be unlocked using 「ポケモンカフェ」 Pokémon Café as the password.
Upon entering Pokémon Dream World, players are also given an option when they are directly outside their home - a chance to go to the Pokémon Café in the Dream World, home of a Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour. From there, they may go to a new area on the Island of Dreams: the Pokémon Café Forest. The forest, which may look like the Pleasant Forest available from the start, is where, after playing a game unique to the area, players may befriend the Pokémon Poliwhirl, Eevee, Smeargle, and Burmy, which may have varying moves and genders, as well as obtain several items only available in the forest, like the Lum Berry. The forest is expected to be available only until August 30.
Despite the new promotions based on the new Pokémon Café merchandise available in Japan, many other promotions can still be participated in. The most recent of which are the Porygon-related promotions - a Porygon with its Hidden Ability Analytic that is available only through a one-time use password, a Porygon2 Doll Décor that is available with no codes needed, and a Porygon-Z C-Gear skin that is obtainable by inputting 「まるとくブック」 Special Secrets Book as the password. these remain available until April 26 next year.