Mystery Egg event coming stateside
The Pokémon Company International and Toys "R" Us are teaming up for the English equivalent of the Japanese Mystery Egg event. The similarly-named Secret Egg event will take place from April 27 through May 31 at participating stores, where players with Pokémon Black and White Versions can receive an Egg containing one of three Pokémon: Axew, Pansage, or Pidove, all of which are based on the actual Pokémon owned by characters in the anime.
The distribution, which features Pokémon from the latest anime season, is currently only scheduled for American stores despite the Japanese distribution being available via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The Mystery Egg event corresponds with the twelfth episode of the latest anime series, in which Ash receives a Pokémon egg. The episode is set to air in America April 23.
The press release detailing the event also reveals three new TCG promo cards that will be distributed in two-pack Black & White blisters; these promo cards are also the same as in the Japanese campaign.
Press release
Get a Secret Egg, pick up special Pokémon TCG packs, and discover new Pokémon at a special Toys"R"Us event beginning April 27th!
Coming up in the Pokémon: Black & White animated TV series, Ash is given a great responsibility — he must care for a delicate Pokémon Egg until it hatches. Watch episodes every Saturday through May 21st on Cartoon Network to find out which Pokémon will hatch!
You can follow in Ash's footsteps with your own Pokémon Egg! Visit participating Toys"R"Us stores from April 27th to May 31st to receive a Secret Egg distribution for your Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version game. Carry the Secret Egg with you in your game until it hatches to find out which one of three secret Pokémon you'll get!
While at Toys"R"Us, look for a special Pokémon Trading Card Game offer: you can purchase Pokémon TCG: Black & White booster two-packs that include a secret promo card featuring one of the three Pokémon that may hatch from your Secret Egg!
Head to Toys"R"Us starting April 27th with your Nintendo DS™ system and a copy of your game for the Secret Egg distribution, and check out all the other amazing Pokémon products, including special packs of Pokémon TCG cards!