Black and White's final leak surfaces

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Revision as of 10:48, 3 March 2011 by Adil (talk | contribs) (Pokémon: Update #3)
Final names revealed
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  • Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The final wave of English names for Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version has hit the shore. An early shipment, combined with some players' online streaming, has confirmed the remaining names for Pokémon, moves, abilities, and more.

Bulbapedia is in the process of updating. Check the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia for the latest names. Bulbanews is working on a complete list. Once fully updated, this article will also contain every English name. Stay tuned for more details.


# Image Japanese English
494 Victini Victini
495 Tsutarja Snivy
496 Janovy Servine
497 Jalorda Serperior
498 Pokabu Tepig
499 Chaoboo Pignite
500 Enbuoh Emboar
501 Mijumaru Oshawott
502 Futachimaru Dewott
503 Daikenki Samurott
504 Minezumi Patrat
505 Miruhog Watchog
506 Yorterry Lillipup
507 Haderia Herdier
508 Murando Stoutland
509 Choroneko Purrloin
510 Lepardas Liepard
511 Yanappu Pansage
512 Yanakkie Simisage
513 Baoppu Pansear
514 Baokkie Simisear
515 Hiyappu Panpour
516 Hiyakkie Simipour
517 Munna Munna
518 Musharna Musharna
519 Mamepato Pidove
520 Hatoboh Tranquill
521 Kenhorou Unfezant
522 Shimama Blitzle
523 Zebraika Zebstrika
524 Dangoro Roggenrola
525 Gantoru Boldore
526 Gigaiath Gigalith
527 Koromori Woobat
528 Kokoromori Swoobat
529 Mogurew Drilbur
530 Doryuzu Excadrill
531 Tabunne Audino
532 Dokkorā Timburr
533 Dotekkotsu Gurdurr
534 Roobushin Conkeldurr
535 Otamaro Tympole
536 Gamagaru Palpitoad
537 Gamageroge Seismitoad
538 Nageki Throh
539 Dageki Sawk
540 Kurumiru Sewaddle
541 Kurumayu Swadloon
542 Hahakomori Leavanny
543 Fushide Venipede
544 Hoiiga Whirlipede
545 Pendror Scolipede
546 Monmen Cottonee
547 Whimsicott Elfuun
548 Churine Petilil
549 Doredia Lilligant
550 Basslao Basculin
  • The list is incomplete, further information will be added soon.