Early shipment! Fifth generation begins with a roar!

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Revision as of 16:04, 16 September 2010 by Jello (talk | contribs)
Pokémon Black and White preorders released early, players share information
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  • Thursday, September 16, 2010
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Kevzo8

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File:Pokemon White Boxart JP.png
Pokémon White boxart

Players who pre-ordered the games Pokémon Black and White have received the games' copies and started revealing information on Japanese forums. As such, a bunch of information is currently being revealed.

Information will follow as we obtain it.


Game characters

Gym Leaders

Gym Leader(s) Badge Specializes in Gym location Effects
Dent, Pod, and Corn Tri Badge Grass, Fire, Water Sanyou City Makes all Pokemon up to Level 20 obey its Trainer.
Aloe Basic Badge Normal Shippou City Makes every Pokémon up to Level 30 obey its Trainer.
Arti Beetle Badge Bug Hiun City Makes every Pokémon up to Level 40 obey its Trainer.
Kamitsure Bolt Badge Electric Raimon City Makes every Pokémon to Level 50 obey its Trainer.
Yakon Quake Badge Ground Hodomoe City Makes every Pokémon to Level 60 obey its Trainer.
Furou Jet Badge Flying Fukiyosa City Makes every Pokémon to Level 70 obey its Trainer.
Hachiku Icicle Badge Ice Sekka City Makes every Pokémon to Level 80 obey its Trainer.
Iris/Shaga Legend Badge Dragon Souryuu City Makes every Pokémon obey its Trainer.

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