Current events

From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Revision as of 11:25, 4 April 2005 by Meowth346 (talk | contribs)
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Breaking news: Current events not so

Current events are actually history repeated.

Bulbanews foundations laid
Bulbagarden's wiki news service begins operations secretly
Early Sunday morning, Bulbagarden's wiki news service, Bulbanews, was set up. Its creator, Archaic, states his vision "is for it to become the hub of Pokémon news on the Internet".

Reported on Bulbanews by [[{{{userlink}}}|{{{user}}}]] on Sunday

[[{{{linktarget}}}|Read more...]]

News in brief

Current events still not so
Gibberish about current events.
False story six
False story six...
Current events even less so now than they were last time they were not
Current Events generator doing well.
False story five
False story five...
False story two
False story two...
False story three
False story three...
False story one
False story one...
SuperDupercune revealed
An evolved form of Suicune announced in April issue of CoroCoro
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consectetur adipisicing elit
North America gets Pokémon themed peripherals
Casewraps signs multi-year Pokémon Deal
False story four
False story four...
Something of a blurb...

Reported on Bulbanews by [[{{{userlink}}}|{{{user}}}]] on Sunday

[[{{{linktarget}}}|Read more...]]

Developing stories

Monday, April 4, 2005

There is no news today.

Older news


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