Bulbapedia celebrates fifth anniversary

From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Revision as of 01:07, 15 February 2010 by Immewnity (talk | contribs) (blurb, caps, note)
Encyclopedia gains 16,000 edits days before commemoration
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  • Sunday, February 14, 2010

This editorial has been written by RexRacer. It expresses the views of the writer, not necessarily those of Bulbagarden networks.
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This is an editorial by RexRacer.
About the author

RexRacer is the editor in chief of Bulbanews, a member of Bulbapedia's editorial board, and an administrator on Bulbagarden forums.

This is an editorial by RexRacer.
About the author

RexRacer is the editor in chief of Bulbanews, a member of Bulbapedia's editorial board, and an administrator on Bulbagarden forums.

Bulbapedia has come a long way from being the strange new community-based format for distributing Pokémon information to fans. I've interviewed the people that have been integral in the success of this site. Their experience with the formatting, rules and history of Bulbapedia is unrivaled by anyone else, and it was a pleasure learning from them.

Throughout Bulbapedia's history, the site has been the subject of much criticism, but in the end, we've pushed through and become the largest and most visited resource for Pokémon information on the Internet. Without it, it is likely that Bulbagarden would have never left the ground to join, and eventually surpass, the other great Pokémon fan sites. It's hard to believe that a wiki, with little help from staff members, could have grown to this scale, with more than 16,000 articles. We've even got new skins based off of the Erika's Garden BMGf skin now. It's because of the users, the people like you, that we are what we are today.

Thank you for that.

Interviews with Archaic, head of Bulbagarden, evkl, deputy head of Bulbagarden and former Editor in Chief of Bulbapedia, and TTEchidna, the current Bulbapedia Editor in Chief, are located below. Please be aware that slight editing has occurred in the process of bringing the information to you.