Pokémon Palace Network owner raided by U.S. government
Pokémon Palace Network, a large fan site and affiliate of Bulbagarden, has been deleted as a result of action by Pokémon USA. According to staff members, the U.S. Government raided Web master PPNSteve's California home, confiscating his belongings under suspicion of copyright infringement. PPNSteve last visited Bulbagarden Aug. 28.
Staff members have come to his defense, urging Pokémon fans to contact Pokémon USA to complain. TSS_Killer, in a post made yesterday on PPN Studio, said PPNSteve wants fans to write or e-mail the company to "save our fan sites." Some are worried the raid on PPN may be part of a larger crackdown on fan sites.
Since the announcement of the raid, PocketMonsters.net, a fan site affiliated closely with PPN, has gone offline and requested the closure of its forum on Bulbagarden forums. However, its IRC server remains open.
According to TSS_Killer, PPNSteve's possessions will remain with the government for 90 days.