
From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Revision as of 18:37, 4 September 2007 by FullMasta (talk | contribs) (Season 2)

Season 1

Recorded on Guests Topics
BC001 November 20, 2005 AG155, Pokémon Ranger, etc.
BC002 December 26, 2005 Zhen Lin; WaterPokemonMaster, AG156, AG157, movie 8, 4Kids & Pokémon USA
BC003 January 2, 2006 DoctorOak, Ekowc Trivia, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl speculation, call-ins
BC004 January 14, 2006 Kater, PokemonTrainerLisa AG158, AG159, PAB17, call-ins
BC005 February 19, 2006 Dogasu; Grem, PokeSensei AG160 - AG164, Pokémon the Park, dub edits, call-ins
BC006 ? AG165, AG166, 10th anniversary, dub edits, Spurt!, etc.
BC007 March 18, 2006 Grem; FabuVinny, PokemonTrainerLisa AG167, AG168, Pokémon Ranger review, call-ins, etc.
SE001 April 1, 2006 Limerick, Zhen Lin New Pokémon names, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl features, new anime
BC008 April 1, 2006 Argy, Hobbes2222, Nintendo Theater, Maverynthia AG169, AG170, call-ins, etc.
BC009 April 8, 2006 Chosen of Mana, Hobbes2222, bgtfamily, Call-ins and shipping
BC010 April 15, 2006 Hobbes2222, Nintendo Theatre AG171, call-ins, Q&A segment
BC011 April 23, 2006 PokemonTrainerLisa, Hobbes2222 AG172, new ending, call-ins, YTMND, speculation, etc.
BC012 May 6, 2006 AG173, AG174, Perfect Best 2 CD/DVD, Q&A, speculation, etc.
BC013 May 14, 2006 Hobbes2222 AG175, E3, CoroCoro scans, etc.
BC014 June 11, 2006 AG176, AG177, AG178, catch-up, etc.

Season 2

Recorded on Hosts Guests Topics
BC2-001 January 3, 2007 Archaic, PPNSteve Season 2 Premiere - Catch-up, TFG, Diamond & Pearl anime, movies
BC2-002 January 10, 2007 Archaic, TSS_Killer, PPN Steve, Pie Sableye, PokemonTrainerLisa Favorite Pokémon and ep from Sableye, popularity of US D/P release speculation, the amount of times the Magikarp salesman has appeared in the anime, using the same anime models for unknown characters PTL.
BC2-003 January 17, 2007 Archaic, TSS_Killer, PPN Steve, Misty, Satoshi-kun Fullmasta, PokemonTrainerLisa Popularity of Hikari in the US speculation, 5th Generation Pokémon, How do trainers earn the money in the anime series, and Dungeon's relation to the current anime series, etc.
BC2-004 January 24, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Satoshi-kun, GreatLiver, PokemonTrainerLisa Team Galaxy in the anime speculation, how do trainers get their first Pokémon in the anime series, Ash's involvement in contests, D/P box art, Manaphy egg code, etc.
BC2-005 January 31, 2007 Misty, TSS_Killer, PPN Steve, Satoshi-kun, Question of the week, what would you make Movie 12 about if you were writing it and if you were to create the next full RPG version Pokémon game, what would you include, answers, the (banned) Porygon episode in the anime series, etc.
BC2-006 February 7, 2007 Archaic, TSS_Killer, PPN Steve, Satoshi-kun Question of the week, In the anime or games, how would you alter the geography of the various regions, call-in answers, the TCG, Power Keepers expansion release, Archaic's reason for missing last week, and much more...
BC2-007 February 14, 2007 Archaic, TSS_Killer, PPN Steve, Misty, Kasumi, Satoshi-kun Fullmasta, Bluntasaur, PokemonTrainerLisa Question of the week, Questions of the week were; Where do you see yourself in the fandom 5-10 years in the future? - And; What 'off the wall' thing would you add to the games?, Call-in answers, the TCG, and much more...
BC2-008 February 21, 2007 Archaic, TSS_Killer, PPN Steve, Misty, Pie, Kasumi, Satoshi-kun GreatLiver, Bluntasaur, Kiruka, PokemonTrainerLisa Question of the week, Questions of the week were; Design a legendary Pokémon and the dungeon in which it exists.

Design a side quest game. Design a gym leader, what type is he or she, what Pokémon does he or she use, what's his or her personality? Call-in answers, speculations, and much more...

BC2-009 February 28, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Satoshi-kun, Misty, pop_tart, Bluntasaur Question of the week, Question of the week was; What monumental thing will happen in Pokémon world in 2007?

Discussion on the Latest Japanese anime episode and Pokémon Hunter J as a unique villian. Call-in answers, speculations, and much more..

BC2-010 March 7, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Kasumi, and Satoshi-kun. Kiruka , Bluntasaur, pop_tart, and PokemonTrainerLisa. Question of the week was; What Pokémon product or thing would you create?

Discussion on the Latest Japanese anime episode and the Magikarp Salesman as well as the WiiMote look-alike.

BC2-GC01 March 9, 2007 Archaic, Sketch Discussion on the newest Pokémon games for Nintendo DS: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Complete with an audio walkthrough, impressions of various parts of the game, and much more...
BC2-011 March 14, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Kiruka, Zhen Lin, Satoshi-kun Question of the week was; What Pokémon Anime character would you create? Also, take a story in the news that has received a ridiculous amount of attention and make it wacky and Pokémon related. Discussion on the Latest Japanese anime episode and the special as well as the co-operation of Pokémon fan webmasters.
BC2-012 February 14, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Kasumi, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun Question of the week was; Design and describe your own type of Pokémon game. Discussion on the Latest US DP Pokémon Names, the US TV commercial and website launch, as well as answering call-ins.
BC2-013 April 1, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, TSS_Killer, Misty, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun Kiruka, FullMasta, and PokemonTrainerLisa Question of the week, Question of the week was; What 4th gen Pokémon would you give to a Pokémon anime character who's no longer in the show? Discussion on the Latest Pokémon news, the US movie release, as well as answering call-ins. Pokémon fan speculations, and much more...
BC2-014 April 11, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Satoshi-kun, Misty, Kiruka, Bluntasaur, and Julie Question of the week was; 1. Which version of DP are you getting, or have already gotten? Diamond, Pearl, or both? Why? 2. There have been a couple of issues that some people have had with Hikari's new name... so your opinion: Dawn, the opposite of dusk, or dishsoap? What's your take? And question #3: If you have 10 Pikachu, and Team Rocket steals 6, how many do you have left? Discussion on the Latest Pokémon Diamond and Pearl news, as well as answering call-ins.
BC2-015 April 18, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, TSS_Killer, Misty, Kasumi, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun Argy, Bluntasaur, and FullMasta Question of the week was; Now with the new DP game announced, what is your starter Pokémon and why?

Discussion on the latest Pokémon Movie 10 theme, news and random Pokémon fan talk. Discussion of the new Pokémon movie 10. This week we also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game promotion speculation

BC2-016 April 25, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Misty, TSS_Killer, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun Bluntasaur Question of the week was; Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week, If you could have your choice of a "real-life" Pokemon who would you pick and why? Also, if you had an animated guest role in the Pokemon anime, what role would you play?

Discussion on the US Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Game Release party, Latest DP game play, also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game promotion speculation.

BC2-017 May 2, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Misty, Kasumi, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun Question of the week was; We have a 3 part question this week, 1. Which version of DP are you getting, or have already gotten? Diamond, Pearl, or both? Why? 2. There have been a couple of issues that some people have had with Hikari's new name... so your opinion: Dawn, the opposite of dusk, or dish-soap? What's your take? 3. If you have 10 Pikachu, and Team Rocket steals 6, how many do you have left?

Discussion on the Latest US Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Game Release, The DP dub anime preview, also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game promotion speculation.

BC2-018 May 9, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Misty, Kasumi, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun, Pie PikachuTrainer, ShadedSpriter Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week, 1. Which evolution, if any, is your favorite Eevee-lution? Why? 2. What is your favorite Pok´mon world game and/or anime region? Why?

This week we talk about the Diamond & Pearl Game release in the US and the Japanese anime up to the latest episode also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game promotion speculation.

BC2-019 May 16, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, TSS_Killer, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun, Pie PikachuTrainer, Bluntasaur Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week, 1. Which evolution, if any, is your favorite Eevee-lution? Why? 2. What is your favorite Pok´mon world game and/or anime region? Why?

TWe have a 2 part question this week, 1. What is your favorite Poketch app? Why? 2. How would you edit the name/image of the rice balls in the Pokemon anime if you could? This week we talk some about the 500th Japanese anime episode, Diamond & Pearl It's Love! Pokemon Transformation Convention!!, also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game speculations.

BC2-020 May 23, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Satoshi-kun, Pie Argy, FullMasta Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week, 1. Game question: Which Pokemon in the 4th gen is likely to have the biggest impact on the metagame, and why? 2. Anime Question: Like Ash did in one of the first pokemon episodes (when he made the Cowterpie joke), come up with a good parody for a Pokemon name.

Discussions on the Latest US Pokemon Diamond & Pearl anime episode and the appearance of the Misty Lure, news, BulbaPedia needs, and random Pokemon fan talk. This week we also talk about the problems and issues with the Diamond and Pearl GTS (Global Trade Station) with a special guest, also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game speculations.

BC2-021 May 30, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun, Pie PikachuTrainer, FullMasta Question of the week was; Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week, 1. Game Question: What is your opinion on EV training and the people who use it to gain an advantage in the game. 2. Anime Question: What are your thoughts about the few times that Team Rocket has done good things. Do you like it, hate it, absolutely love it, with they'd do it more, or wish that what they did in Movie 2 never happened?

Discussions on the Latest US Pokemon Diamond & Pearl anime episode and the appearance of an elite 4 leader, US Pokemon Battle Revolution news, and random Pokemon fan talk. This week we also talk, once again, about the problems and issues with the Diamond and Pearl GTS (Global Trade Station) and discuss the US video releases of PBR with a special guest, also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game speculations.

BC2-022 June 6, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, Dratini927, Satoshi-kun, Misty Question of the week was; Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week, 1. Game Question: Have you found any shinies in any of the games? Which ones and how/where? 2. Anime Question: Do you think or beleive that Ash may leave the anime series, perhaps after Diamond and Pearl?

Discussions on the Latest US Pokemon Diamond & Pearl anime episode and the US Pokemon Marathon on Cartoon Network, and random Pokemon fan talk, also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game speculations.

BC2-023 June 13, 2007 Archaic, PPN Steve, TSS_Killer, Satoshi-kun, Misty PokemonTrainerLisa, Bluntasaur Question of the week was; Question of the week was; We have a 2 part question this week, 1. Game Question: What was your favorite Gym leader in what game and why? 2. Anime Question: Make up a Pokemon parody - what whould you choose?

Discussions on the Latest US Pokemon Diamond & Pearl anime episode, the dub opening, and the US Pokemon Marathon on Cartoon Network, also answer caller's questions, do some Diamond & Pearl Game speculations.

Season 3

Recorded on Hosts Guests Topics
BC3-001 September 1, 2007 Archaic, PPNSteve, TSS_Killer, Satoshi-kun, Kasumi Season 3 Premiere - Diamond & Pearl Anime (DP44&DP45), News/Events