First Diamond, Pearl information revealed

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Revision as of 13:42, 12 May 2006 by Archaic (talk | contribs) (Cleaning up images.)
Screenshots, new trainers, showcased in CoroCoro scans
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  • Thursday, May 11, 2006
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

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Male trainer
Female trainer

The first concrete information Pokémon Diamond and Pearl was uploaded to the Internet today in the form of scans from the June issue of CoroCoro Comics. Included in the scans are screenshots, new first-person trainers and the name of the region. The screenshots show both in-battle and overworld scenes. The battle shown was between Munchlax and Manyula, and the display looks very similar to previous Pokémon RPGs. The name of the region in which the games take place is シンオウ Shin'ō, and the protagonist's hometown is フタバタウン Futaba Town. The scans reveal the abilities of Munchlax and Manyula. Munchlax has either Thick Fat or Pickup, and Manyula has Pressure. Munchlax's signature move is Swallow, and Manyula can learn Revenge.

The scan listed the Japanese release date for the games as "this fall."

The scans confirm that Pokémon from the Game Boy Advance Pokémon RPGs can be transferred to Diamond and Pearl once certain conditions are met in the latter games.

Check back with Bulbanews for more information when it is translated.

Manyula information
Munchlax information