Manga adaptation of Movie 8 begins
The first installment of a three part manga adaptation by Miho Asada of the upcoming Pokémon movie was released in the June 2005 issue of the Shogakukan 3rd-grader magazine last Saturday. A summary follows:
- Centuries ago, when Poké Balls did not yet exist...
- "The forces of the two sides are advancing towards here!"
Lucario then goes to inform Aaron (whom he addresses as Aaron-sama) of the impending danger through a crystal linked to Orudoran Castle. Lucario is then ambushed by a pack of Houndoom. He is blinded by a Sand-Attack, but manages to unleash his signature move, the hadō-dan, waveguide-blast.
In the meantime, Aaron realises that he has to go to the World-Origin Tree. Lucario catches up with him. Aaron notices his condition, but Lucario explains that he is fine, because he senses with his wave-guiding ability.
Aaron then commands Lucario to "leave this place", saying that he had abandoned the castle. He had in fact been asked to leave by the Queen, who has consigned herself to sharing the fate of the castle.
Aaron continues towards the World-Origin Tree, and commands Lucario not to follow. The army advancing towards Lucario, Aaron throws his staff into the ground before Lucario, and traps him within the crystal in the staff. Lucario is left to ask himself, "Why, Aaron-sama?"
As the two sides advance towards each other, suddenly, a light is emitted from the World-Origin Tree as Mew awakens. The Queen described it, "The World-Origin Tree is weeping?"
Then, Aaron's Pidgeot arrives with the staff in its beak. The Queen ponders where Aaron is, as the light from the tree reached its climax.