More HS era merchandise available

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Promos new and old released
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  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Over the course of the HS era of trading cards, many new promotional items and merchandise are being released for players and collectors alike. These items range from Collector's Tins to player's pack and collection; from blister packs to the HGSS Series Collection. Details for each item are represented below.

Player's Collections and Packs

The Pokémon Player's Collections and Pack are four repackaged assortments of booster packs from previously released sets, and a special holofoil card from the current format. The Player's Collections includes a theme deck, three random booster packs, and either Gyarados from HeartGold & SoulSilver or Magmortar from Unleashed. The Player's Packs remove the theme deck, and contain either Raichu from HeartGold & SoulSilver or Metagross. Many of the packs included within these promotional items are not from the current format, and cannot be used in official tournaments. All four special holofoil cards receive a fragmented holofoil treatment first seen in the Rising Rivals expansion.

HGSS Series Collection

Sell-sheet for the HGSS Series Collection

The HeartGold SoulSilver Series Collection, which was revealed about a month ago, has finally been given a release date: November 15th, 2010. This promotional item will contain five HeartGold & SoulSilver era booster packs, three promo versions of the rare Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr from HeartGold & SoulSilver as holos, and a new Entei figure.

Triumphant Three Pack Blister

Prototype image for the blister pack
Prototype image for the blister pack

A prototype image of the Triumphant three pack blister has been revealed. Though the image does not give what the promotional cards included will actually be, the prototype card seen is Grumpig from the upcoming Triumphant expansion. This is the sixth card revealed from the set, preceded by Dialga & Palkia LEGEND numbered 101 and 102, Celebi numbered 92, and Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND numbered 99 and 100. Card text for the six cards is available on Bulbapedia.

Autumn Battle Road promos

Victory Medal
Victory Medal
Donphan promo
League card

The promos for the Autumn Battle road are now known. They include a new Victory Medal seen to the left, as well as holofoil prints of Spiritomb from the Arceus expansion and Donphan from the HeartGold & SoulSilver expansion. The print of the Victory Medal originated in Japan from the L-P Promotional cards, and was released as the January 2010 Pokémon Card Plaza Challenge Battle winner's prize. The upcoming League cycle will be based around the Pokéathlon, and the first season will begin September 27.

Fall 2010 Collector's Tins

The Fall 2010 Collector's Tins have finally been made available on store shelves. All tins include four booster packs, and two promotional cards. The Raikou tin includes HGSS Black Star Raikou numbered 19, and a special holofoil print of Raikou from Secret Wonders. The Entei tin includes Entei promo 20 and Secret Wonders Entei and the Suicune tin includes Suicune promo 21 and Secret Wonders Suicune. The three new promos were included in the LEGEND Perfect Set in Japan. For card text, refer to Bulbapedia.

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