Subscribers to the Pokémon magazine received a surprise several months back when they cancelled their well known Pokémon magazine, Beckett Pokémon Unofficial Collector. They then began publishing Beckett Game Strategyst, a bi-monthly magazine concerning Pokémon Yu-Gi-Oh!, Bakugan, and other popular card games. Apparently, Beckett cancelled many of its other magazines and merged them into Game Strategyst (likely due to the the lawsuit between Beckett and TPCi). It included a Pokémon section, containing reviews for new video games, TCG card price guides, and other Pokémon information.
This month, subscribers received a letter stating that the magazine had been cancelled and merged with the existing magazine Beckett Fun Online Games, something which had been hinted upon last month with the magazine being called "Beckett Game Strategyst featuring Fun Online Games". Fun Online Games now includes a Game Strategyst section containing articles covering Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and other popular card games, although fewer articles concerning those games are being released.