Shogakukan announces Battrio Master's first volume

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Manga to be sold for ¥410
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  • Tuesday, August 4, 2009

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Pokémon Battrio Mezase! Battrio Master

The release date for the first volume of 「ポケモンバトリオ めざせ! バトリオマスター」 Pokémon Battrio Mezase! Battrio Master was announced on the official Shogakukan site. It will be released on Sept. 28 in Japan for ¥410 (approximately $4 in the United States). The book's ISBN is 9784091408655.

The manga is an adaption of the arcade game Pokémon Battrio. It is written by Takashi Teshirogi, and it is about the boy Ryū who is trying to become a master of the Pokémon Battrio arcade game.

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