Global accounts list
From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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- ポケモンゲーマー (exists locally)
- ポケモンマスター (exists locally)
- ポケモン理論家 (unattached or doesn't exist locally)
- ポッチャマ (unattached or doesn't exist locally)
- ポッチャマ393 (exists locally)
- みすず (unattached or doesn't exist locally)
- ミュウ (unattached or doesn't exist locally)
- もも (unattached or doesn't exist locally)
- ユキ (exists locally)
- レーガン (unattached or doesn't exist locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンア (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンイ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンウ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンエ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンオ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンカ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンキ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンク (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンケ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンコ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンサ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンシ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンス (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンセ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンソ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンタ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンチ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンツ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンテ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンント (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンナ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンニ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンフ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンヘ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンホ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンマ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンミ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンム (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンメ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンモ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンヤ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンユ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンヨ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンラ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンリ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンル (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンレ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンロ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンワ (exists locally)
- ンンンンンンンンンンンンンンンヲ (exists locally)