90th Best Wishes episode title revealed: Difference between revisions

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'Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup' begins
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  • Friday, July 6, 2012
  • Reported on Bulbanews by G50
    Originally reported in Newtype magazine

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Georgia and Iris

Newtype magazine has revealed the title and airdate of the 90th episode of Pocket Monsters Best Wishes!. 「ジュニアカップ開幕!カイリューVSツンベアー!!」The Junior Cup Gets Underway! Kairyu VS Tunbear!! is scheduled to air on August 2, 2012.

There will be a break the following week on August 9, 2012.


「ついに「ポケモンワールドトーナメントジュニアカップ」が開幕した。 大会の目玉のひとつであるエキシビジョンマッチは大盛況のうちに終わり、 続いて一回戦最初の試合がスタート。アイリスのカイリューの相手は、ドラゴン バスター・ラングレーが繰り出すツンベアーで… 」


Finally, the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup has kicked off. Instead of the conference's highlight, the exhibition match, the first round begins. Iris's Dragonite's opponent is the Beartic that Dragon Buster Georgia sent out...

Special thanks to jda95 for translating it.

Episode staff:

  • Screenplay: 「武上純希」 Junki Takegami
  • Storyboard and Assistant director: 「吉村文宏」 Fumihiro Yoshimura
  • Animation director: 「篠原隆」 Takashi Shinohara